Sunday, July 9, 2023

Go. Ask. Emmanuel., draft no. 4

What is it with God and hair?

Straight, afro, auburn, or white as snow?

Where did he get his template?

If there isn’t one

how did he know?


When I see art on the museum walls

All hanging in a row

I notice which are whose by how the painter painted so

And I don’t have to get so close that I see where it’s signed

Because I can spot who did it

By the grooves and by the rhymes.


Chance does not make anything.

Chance is a mirage.

If you tell me a thousand times

I’ll still not buy your primordial ooze

for I see his lines.


I don’t think, if you can’t see them, you have your glasses straight.

But I will not deride you, nor will He either,

as we wait.


Some pictures take longer for some people to see well.

I do not know why that is,

Go ask Emmanuel,

Or the ox and ass who were

there to tell.