Thursday, July 20, 2023

Four, My Family, draft no. 2

A poem for my family

Graham, Alden, and Calvin, whom I love:

I did not always think it

so grand of a plan

that God made us so, so

different, but

wouldn’t the alternative be bland?


When you have four

there are enough corners

for a foundation to be built

Even if parents are

weak and ill

four corners are plenty

for a family to fill


Four people in a house

that God willed

None of us unnecessary

None of us weak-willed

We share this trait only

The rest fall unequalled,

Molds broken



Perhaps that is how

we turned out so fair

despite all of our hems, haws

and airs


Maybe four legs

make a table stand square

and still enough to hold the

food God prepares