Sunday, July 9, 2023

Malchus’ ear, draft no. 1

Where did you get it, Peter?

Was it something you’d had as a boy?

Was it simple, like wood and metal?

Or forged with some rare alloy?

Did you justify that it was handy

For many things noble and tame

Like fish gutting

or splints for the lame?


How long had you been hiding/stashing the sword, Peter?

How long was it strapped to your side?

How often did you feel for it

in case God’s company didn’t suffice?

How often did you hone your drill or

second-guess your nerve to kill?


Then, when it finally came

The moment you thought it was for

When you swung at the detachment 

And Malchus’ ear fell to the floor

Did you wince when you saw it happen

Or were you bloodthirsty for more?


Did you understand a Jesus’ kingdom

Had never been of this world?

Or were you relieved he knew a way

For ears to be restored?