Friday, August 5, 2011

Elegy to a Glove

Joint Compostion June 29, 2010 by Spring Lake Church's Write Path
based on Degas' painting "Woman with Chrysanthemums"

Mother, I have lost my left-hand glove
Again. If I ever find it
I shall throw it down as a gauntlet

On your grave
I am through with
The nauseating, gaudy things

You made me wear
How often you called me
Naughty Kitten. Naughty Kitten? 

I scorn the pugnacious din
Gathered in this lobby
For your dirge. I want to purge

You here in the drab, dark, musty
Death parlor where you lie
Beneath crysanthemums and misery. 

(The mother which emerged from this group-generated poem bears no resemblance to my own, wonderful mom, thankfully!)