By Jen Hunt
Written following the Occasion of the surprise Alaskan Getaway
Graham, Life is . . .
• an Alaskan glacier in April and I will stand a mile away at the closed gate with you.
• a search for cheap halibut in Anchorage, and I will eat mine in a mall food court restroom hallway with you
• a discount card inquiry at Safeway grocers in Seward, and I will ask for the out-of-state card swipe with you and endure your reprimand for doing so
• an aurora borealis, and I will sit under a cloudy sky with you
• a three mile $12 round-trip once an hour tunnel, and I will drive it with you--once
• a search for wildlife of any sort, and I will step in moose scat with you
• a freezer dried fish sandwich not listed on the Arby's menu, and I will order it for you