by Jen Hunt, from the archives
Who do you say I am?
Get it right and
It could be the million dollar question
A non-smoking, extra leg room
Window-seat-to-heaven opportunity
We feel sorry for Simon,
Wondering if we’d have posited so confidently
Under similar handicaps
That is, without...
... interference
It could be approached from so many possible angles
A trick question
Great improver of mankind?
Time's running out
Better hold out for Kant Barth Kirkegaard
Personified ideal of the good principle
Where's my concordance
Yes, give Pete some credit
After all, the quest for the historical Jesus had not yet begun,
Poor Peter couldn't traditio-histor-Him away
Impossible to grasp how Pete could say
No thanks to the 20-page write-up in ISBE
Yet, this is what Simon, illumined, did answer
And with that answer timely given
Was issued the keys to the kingdom of heaven