Improvised by Jen Hunt, from the archives 1/2/2010
The Lord is Kandace’s shepherd.
God has a specific plan just for Kandace and has taken on the personal responsibility to see that it is accomplished.
She shall not want.
From his unlimited wellspring of generosity, God has given Kandace everything good she truly needs, and that knowledge satisfies her.
He makes her lie down in green pastures.
Kandace knows she doesn’t have to manage all the details of the move, her future ministry, Kirsten’s needs, or her marriage, because God knows how to handle them all perfectly. Kandace can rest in him.
He leads her beside still waters;
God is actively drawing Kandace in order to refresh her with his peace when life doesn’t go according to plan.
He restores her soul.
Jesus is Kandace’s living water. She doesn’t look to dry cisterns to satisfy her. She has found her refreshment in his loving presence alone.
He leads her in the right path for his name’s sake.
Kandace is convinced God doesn’t make mistakes. All that is taking place in her life right now is for his glory. If she suffers for doing right, she does so in identification with Christ himself.
Even though she walks through the darkest valley,
she will fear no evil.
At those times when circumstances may tempt Kandace to feel alone, she remembers God’s presence and his promise that nothing will ever harm the part of her that will last forever. God keeps her safe.
Your rod and your staff--they comfort her.
God’s correction, his boundaries, what he has given and withheld, his discipline and his tender guidance make Kandace feel not deprived, but secure.
You prepare a table for her in the presence of her enemies;
God has preserved for Kandace a ministry platform despite any spiritual opposition that would seek her downfall. Her reputation is his concern, because she is his.
You anoint her head with oil;
The undeserved kindness of the Lord’s favor is appointing, equipping, and refreshing her.
Her cup overflows.
Kandace has found God’s provisions to be more than enough for all she needs. It is out of his abundance that she touches others.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow her all the days of her life,
Kandace is convinced the work God does through her will remain behind long after she is gone.
And she shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Kandace draws upon her heavenly citizenship for strength. Though her earthly address may change more times than she can count, her eternal address will stay the same. She has begun the eternal kind of life now and knows it will never be taken away.