Sunday, August 19, 2018
By Jen Hunt, after thinking about sex abuse and gender issues confronting the church today
Maybe she gets to come up a bit
Maybe he’s got to come down
Maybe she got knocked up a bit
Maybe he gets knocked down
Somehow we’re back on the old playground
When will we ever learn
Jesus came to make straight the paths
Valleys and hills both burn
His and hers, Venus, Mars
Nothing comes of it
Whole earth’s striving way too hard
But the Son’s the center of it
See-Saw’s only fun to play
When both sides go both ways
Else I’m here, you’re there
Miles apart ‘n’
Here we sit ‘til the light of day
The Fulcrum, it cuts to the heart
When we’ve got a lot to say
Better get ears unplugged and heels undug
If there’s gonna be a better way
Maybe he gets to come up a bit
Maybe she’s got to come down
Maybe he got knocked up a bit
Maybe she gets knocked down
Somehow we’re back on the old playground
When will we ever learn
Jesus came to make straight the paths
Valleys and hills both burn
Pride and love can’t occupy
The same place so it’s been said
His Spirit comes to sons and daughters
Black, White, Brown and Red
His and hers, Venus, Mars
Nothing comes of it
Whole earth wants to be a star
But the Son’s the center of it
See-Saw’s only fun to play
When both sides go both ways
Jesus came to make straight the paths
Valleys and hills both burn
Somehow we’re back on the old playground
When will we ever learn